Interview with fashion and beauty photographer Antonella Muscat
Antonella Muscat is a very talented fashion and beauty photographer based in the UK. Her pictures are unique and beautiful. Of course I had to interview her about her lovely work.
1. Laura Bünd: Dear Antonella, your pictures are beautiful and special. What is in your opinion your individual note?
Antonella Muscat: Hello Laura and thank you for the interview. I am not sure what is my individual note, I guess my work reflects the way I see things. I see beauty in everything and I'm always intrigued in getting the best out of people I photograph, even if I'm only with them for a brief period and don't' really know them well.
2. LB: How did you became a photographer?
AM: I don't think there was a specific point. Like many others I have always been taking photos but I've not done that consistently. Digital photography gave me the freedom to shoot lots more as I didn't have such an expense printing anymore and I guess it flourished from the point I was gifted a digital camera. Nowadays I don't shoot prolifically. I am more of a quiet observer. I retain things I see, like a giant collection of colours and feelings, in my brain. I connect these with my ideas when I am planning shoots.
3. LB: Why did you specialise yourself as a fashion and beauty photographer?
AM: I tried to do all sorts before I came to do what I am doing now, trying to find myself, trying to see what I was happiest doing. Fashion and Beauty are the genres I enjoy most. When I found that about myself I felt accomplished and focused much more intensely on my work.
4. LB: Do you work with a canon or nikon?
AM: Always been a Nikon user, but with an aim at shooting in medium format as soon as this is possible for me.
5. LB: Are you working with special filters?
AM: I don't particularly shoot with filters, but I keep filters in my kit boxes as sometimes these may be useful, together with a lot of other bits of stuff you'd find in a garage or tool shed. I love creating effects in camera and creating a mood.
6. LB: How do you prepare a fotoshooting?
AM: It very much depends on the team that I will be working with but generally I will prepare a mood board and pitch to the team or draw up the mood board after discussing with the team. My approach isn't prescriptive but I need to have an understanding that the team are all confident with what need to be achieved. We all need to be working to achieve the same, whether it will be spontaneous or planned work.
7. LB: Do you prefer male or female models? Is there any difference to work with?
AM: I really don't mind, I actually prefer working with androgynous models as I love playing with the ambiguity.
8. LB: What do you love about your work and are there also things you don’t like?
AM: I love the creative process, the ideation and creation. The working with like minded creatives who are confident and go beyond what you ask for. Those with a keen eye who can spot issues before they become problems, the professionals who can laugh and carry on when it goes pear-shaped. I don't like working with those who have a diva attitude, who treat others less well. Those who don't listen or respect their colleagues...
9. LB: What is your favourite picture and why?
AM: My favourite image is from a shoot based on a recurrent dream I used to have, where I used to be a noblewoman who was a knight during the day but came out in disguise at night to tend to the sick and poor...
10. LB: What are the next steps in your career you want to achieve?
AM: I'd like to be travelling more and being part of more complex and larger challenges, and to be able to develop my skills further via challenges faced and via learning.
11. LB: How would you create an erotic photography?
AM: I haven't had the opportunity to work in such an area, for me it would be around producing work that evoked the feeling.
12. LB: If you would do a session with Lady Laura Bünd, which idea would you have?
AM: How about a road trip in an open top sport scar? That would be fun to shoot!
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